GXXDLXCK and its Artist

Maxwell (Max) Lee was born on August 28th, 1999. Born in New York, Lee was constantly surrounded by art from a young age. By Age 8, he had decided that he wanted to be an artist. He began small, by focusing on drawing, then to painting; encouraged by his teachers in both Elementary and Middle School. By High School, Lee had continued to develop his artistic journey, and began using his skills to paint and design sets for his school’s plays and musicals. He also began to explore unconventional canvasses; such as shoes, clothes, and large found items; doors, walls, and drywall. Due to his upbringing, Lee was quick to use whatever he could find to create art with. Supplies were limited due to tight budgets, so Lee did what he could to make sure he always had a surface and materials to create on. He continued this way all through his college education; studying at SUNY Fredonia in Fredonia, NY. Lee helped organize two protests; making sure art on campus was not censored due to upper administration deeming work “undesirable.” In addition to these protests, he began to work on independent projects; these included interactive pieces, collaborative work, and wearable sculptures including clothing and shoes. Each project shared the medium of found and recycled materials. When selling shirts and shoes at an art sale on campus and finding success in this, he founded GXXD LXCK to continue this form of interactive and recycled art. Lee continues to work on art, clothing, and GXXD LXCK.